Contemplation to Grow Up: Should We?

by - Thursday, June 18, 2020

Photo by Hannes Netzel (

I wrote this article at my office during a lunch break just to break curiosity about how life is going on a certain age. As a woman, I always have a dream to succeed at any point, especially in career and education. On the other hand, I also want to be a part of society; to contribute as long as I can breathe. To be independent as well, to live in a balanced way.

Those thought not come into my mind once but regularly. Deep down inside, I want to be a person who’s myself proud to be. Until I realized that I cannot do those activities together at once because I'm not good enough or I'm just not confident.

I'm not good at. I'm not capable of. I've been rejected from. I have other priorities. There are a lot of excuses to say. These beginning of sentences become a good weapon for denying.

I know I'm not alone. There are a lot of people out there in line with me, at least it might be. The problem is how long this mindset will guide you to step back? I hope not that long, we are allowed to change this way of thinking. Until I read a book titled Mindset, Dweck taught people to keep growing whatever circumstances are. Life will punch you side by side, and they are not picky. You cannot control life, but you can control how you respond to life. The more you get bruises, the more experienced you are. Thanks to life anyway!

To people who extracted to read this, I must say: "keep growing cause all you need is the right time to bloom".

In her book, Dweck said there are two kinds of people in how they respond to their obstacles of problems; the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset will see obstacles as their threat and will see themselves as a not capable person to fix up something. The fixed mindset believes that they were born with specific intelligence and abilities. These skills are part of themselves and cannot change or develop. In certain circumstances, for instance, a competition or challenge, they tend to feel as stupid person when they failed. They don't think this experience as a life-long learning process to grow and develop themselves to be a better person.

In contrast, the growth mindset will take those circumstances as a challenge and chance to grow up. They believe that intelligence and abilities can be developed. Growth mindset appreciates the effort and its practice. Those practices will lead you to high achievement. They obviously will find consistency as well in their process. When the fixed mindset tries to choose a scope that they mastered with, the growth mindset won't limit their choices and will try anything to achieve something. Growth mindset never stays long in the same place over and over.

Remember that great things take time. Quoted these sentences, "Growth isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to stretch you to a new level. Change doesn't happen inside of comfort" - unknown. Keep growing, and you'll know what you stand for eventually; to bloom.

Should we do this? Change our mindset towards growth?

I cannot say no, obviously. Sure we should do! I heard stories from women that sometimes feel trapped in the situation, but actually, they don't. Nothing else but their thoughts manipulated themselves. Sometimes we need to slap ourselves to awake from this situation.

Generally, women tend to have things to think and take care of, especially for housewife. At least that thought comes from the stories that I heard. They have to take care of their children, husband, family, career, education, and other things. Most of them forget to take care of their dreams. Dream as a human being, to be what kind of person that they want to be; the needs to grow.

I'm not saying that being a housewife means you are not growing. However, this concept comes into our culture a long, long, long years ago and still take effect until today. Commonly, people think once you married and being a housewife, your opportunities to grow would be obstructed. We are trapped with this concept unconsciously, and now we have to go out from this trap. A woman should encourage another woman to remind that this condition, marriage, is not an obstacle to grow up. Remember that we always need a sacrifice and extra effort to grow; every member of the family should grow up as well, including you---a mother.

For mothers---housewives out there, don't be afraid to try new thing in your life because life itself is a process. The process is never easy, though, and we have to walk in so we can still grow.

You are worth for your growth. Your right as equal to other family members instead.
Say this mantra repeatedly, and you will release yourself from your box of thoughts.

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